Digital Advrtising

High-impact advertising solutions that convert

As leaders in domestic student services, we offer institutions a full suite of high-impact advertising solutions across the UK’s most popular student websites. Institutions are able to prioritise specific audiences and niche courses using both onsite and off-site promotions, leading to more click-throughs and conversions to enquiry and application.

Our onsite options allow institutions to choose from a wide variety of banner advertising, designed to boost conversion levels among audiences already actively researching study opportunities. Advertising can be structured by subject, study level and location.

Our off-site options offer institutions the opportunity to display targeted advertising to people who have visited our websites and are now browsing the web elsewhere. This allows institutions to maintain the interest of highly qualified users actively researching Higher Education opportunities, including those who have looked at competitor institutions.

We also use the data and insights we have on our website users to actively engage with other users on the web who have similar profiles to our visitors. This approach significantly increases the reach of advertising campaigns and boosts awareness of institutions to a greater number of people.

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If you’d like to find out more about this service, please get in touch with our client partnership team

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Research & consultancy


IQ Consulting is a tailored service offering institutions bespoke data, expert support and custom analytics to meet their unique needs and goals. We combine the world’s largest set of live student data sources, analytical tools and in-house expertise to provide full-funnel strategy analysis and deliver actionable insights specifically designed to secure and grow your institution’s position within the marketplace.  With decades of director-level experience from across a range of industries, our IQ consultants will work closely with you to drill down into the granular detail of how your institution is performing, where the opportunities are, and how to take advantage of them. Our world-class data ensures that your institution can make better-informed decisions to strategically drive recruitment. 

Benefits include: 

  • Extensive portfolio development based on custom demand analytics and data visualisations 

  • Bespoke, in-depth competitor and market gap analysis  

  • International student placement funnel benchmarking 


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The partnershipss

Why did you partner with IDP for OIP (Offer in Principle) and IDP Live? Tell us about your recruitment strategy.

  • Test

  • Test

At UniSA we align ourselves with new products and services that set us apart from other universities in Australia and around the world. We do this through continuous innovation and smarter use of technology.

Partnering with IDP gave us the ability to try something completely different. We now can reach a wider audience and attract a group of students who wouldn’t normally consider Adelaide or UniSA as their destination and institution. We don’t have to wait for them to come to us.


Let us join you on your journey

If you would like to explore what IDP Connect's data and research can do for your institution, please get in touch with our client team

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Our UK presence

3 UK student-facing sites
2m+Social media followers
6m+Page views on Whatuni

Whatuni has been a valuable source of traffic to our website. Our analytics reveal that traffic from Whatuni is of a much higher quality than other platforms with a lower bounce-rate and more relevant visitors spending nearly twice the time on site. The proportion of those booking open days, requesting prospectuses and making applications is much higher than other platforms.

Richard Brown Marketing Manager at Norwich University of the Arts

Richard Brown

Marketing Manager

Norwich University of The Arts

Students are happy to be back in person

The annual WUSCA review collection provides IDP and its partners with an in-depth look into how current students feel about the universities they study at and celebrates institutions who champion the student voice across the UK. 

Each year, results can differ and universities that have participated in previous years benefit even more from the ability to compare year-by-year. So, at the halfway point, what have the reviews shown so far? Here are a few noteworthy insights. 

The COVID-19 pandemic completely changed the university experience for students all over the world, and the UK was no exception to this. This continued to be the case through to 2021, and many students are still feeling the ripple effects of the pandemic this year.  

Thankfully, due to mass vaccine rollout, things have been returning to normal for students. Many students starting in September 2022 were able to have a more traditional university experience and those who started during the pandemic returned to a very different type of studying. 

The WUSCA reviews have highlighted student’s positive feelings about returning to “normal” in a number of ways.  

As an example, taking a lookat this year (blue bar) so far, we can see that student intent indicates that all ratings are up compared to last year (grey bar). However, the biggest jumps are with “Student Life Rating" and “Location Rating”. 

We partner with more than 890 quality universities and institutions across Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Our data insights are relied upon by organisations around the world to help ensure policies are informed by the diverse needs, challenges and m


These are arguably the areas that were disrupted most for students during the pandemic, so seeing themincrease withstudents overall is a fantastic sign for institutions. Students would not have been able to obtain the benefits of their university's location, for example, properly during COVID-19 restrictions. So, seeing areas like this increase alongside the overall student life rating is a great sign. 

These are arguably the areas that were disrupted most for students during the pandemic, so seeing themincrease withstudents overall is a fantastic sign for institutions. Students would not have been able to obtain the benefits of their university's location, for example, properly during COVID-19 restrictions. So, seeing areas like this increase alongside the overall student life rating is a great sign. 

Results like this, that can be seen from preliminary results in universities all over the UK, suggest that students are happy to be back in person. 


Download the latest Emerging Futures report

CP- digital advertising- off site advertising image

How we work with our partners

1. Decide on your institution’s goals. Examples include open day sign-ups, Clearing calls or enquiries. 

2. Select your competitor set (a minimum of 5 institutions). 

3. We will ask you to place a conversion tracking pixel on relevant pages on your site. 

4. You supply us with your advertising creative. 

5. We then retarget prospective students viewing your and your competitors’ profiles and course pages with your advertising and messaging. 

6. At the end of the campaign we will provide you with a full report including impressions, clicks and completed goals. 

Let us join you on your journey

We are here to support you with any questions you may have

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