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IDP Connect are proud to be sponsors of the Wonkhe @ Home event where quality speakers from across the sector will explore the shifting role of international higher education in the context of the UK’s own evolving status in global geopolitics.

In this focussed morning that addresses the key questions facing the UK's international higher education sector moving forward, Wonkhe @ Home asks: how can universities adapt to the change and prepare for the next decade of UK higher education around the world? To find out the answer, book your place now.

Speakers include:

  • Jo Johnson, former universities and science minister

  • Professor Sir Steve Smith, UK Government International Education Champion and Prime Minister’s Special Representative to Saudi Arabia for Education

  • Vivienne Stern, Director, UUKi

  • Jonah Duffin, Director of External Relations, IDP Connect

  • Neil Pearson, Chief Digital Officer, IDP Education

  • Mark Leach, Editor in Chief, Wonkhe

  • Paul Inman, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International), University of Reading

  • Debbie McVitty, Editor, Wonkhe

Changes in student sentiment Changes in student sentiment Changes in student sentiment

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Case Study 1 Case Study 1 Case Study 1 Case Study 1 Case Study 1 Case Study 1 Case Study 1 Case Study 1


Bow Valley College (BVC) has grown international enrolment numbers successfully over the last four years. However, they have identified that they would like to incrementally increase and diversify their international enrolments while ensuring that no single market accounts for more than 50% of its international population.


BVC has partnered with IDP Connect IQ to identify market demand trends from key markets to gain insights that would assist them in understanding where opportunities lie.

Objective of partnering with IDP connect IQ

  • To better understand the gap between its current portfolio and demand in key international markets

  • Identify quick wins for 2022 entry, primarily in program areas where BVC has academic strength

  • Identify program areas where BVC should consider expanding into

  • To review its brand strength, market positioning and perception relative to its competitors in key international markets

  • To understand where BVC is losing market share together with influencing factors including program content, length, and other components such as co-op options, scholarships, etc.


Provide BVC with a set of short and long-term actionable recommendations and a tailor-made marketing and engagement plan to help build brand awareness and relationships in key markets. IDP Connect IQ combined data from prospective student searches, counsellor interviews and desk-based research.

2023 WUSCA categories 10 2023 WUSCA categories 10 2023 WUSCA categories 10

2023 categories are as follows:

  • Lecturers and teaching quality

  • Halls and student accommodation

  • Student support

  • Facilities

  • Student’ union

  • Student life

  • Career prospects

  • International

  • Postgraduate – sponsored by HAVAS EDUCATION

  • Submission-based award

  • Small or specialist

  • University of the year

Sponsorship for 2023 WUSCA 11

To discuss sponsorship opportunities for 2023 during the event and get in front of website users across IDP Connect’s student-facing websites, please contact Kevin McEwan at kevin.mcewan@idp.com. To discuss sponsorship opportunities for 2023 during the event and get in front of website users across IDP Connect’s student-facing websites, please contact Kevin McEwan at kevin.mcewan@idp.com.

Paragraph 9

Read full terms and conditions for 2023 WUSCA here.

2023 Submission Award Theme: Cost of Living 8

Following the announcement of the 2023 WUSCA tickets on sale, we are pleased to announce that entries for the WUSCA Submission Awards for 2023 are now open.  

2023 Submission Award Theme: Cost of Living

This year we will be looking for entries from institutions going above and beyond in supporting students through the cost-of-living crisis.  

Judges will be looking for bold and innovative initiatives that provided tangible assistance to students across the 2022/2023 academic year. They will be looking for examples of work that either aided a specific group of students with targeted support or positively impacted the wider student population. 

As always, the submission-based award will be judged by a Whatuni student panel and will be made up of both prospective and current university students. 

1. How did your institution work to identify the specific needs of students in relation to the Cost of Living crisis. If your entry is about work with a specific group of students, how did you establish this particular need?

2. What was the process you undertook to determine your objectives and to design the initiative or support programme and how where students involved in this process?

3. How are you evaluating the success of the work and what are the results?

Each entry submission should be submitted as a pdf attachment via the Wuscas.submissions@idp.com email address and must contain as a minimum the following:

A maximum of 300 words answering the Submission Award category questions set out above

1 logo of the applicant institution in a high-resolution EPS/PNG format (or other format agreed with IDPC)

A minimum of 1 piece of visual evidence in support of your answers i.e. video or photos plus optionally any additional creative or reporting evidence, examples include: a campaign URL, campaign stills, videos of project outcomes, a status report etc. Although 1 piece is the minimum requirement, it is recommended that institutions provide as much evidence and collateral as possible, to properly bring their endeavours to life. For large files please provide a link where possible, eg. Youtube links instead of downloaded formats. (Please make sure it is not a temporary link).

Deadline now extended to midnight on 3rd March!

Submit your entries to wuscas.submissions@idp.com 

*Please note, any document submissions must be provided as a PDF file. This includes file and video links where possible instead of download formats. If links cannot be inserted for these types of collateral, please ensure you specify deadlines for any download file sharing services used e.g. We Transfer.  

Institutions must meet the eligibility criteria and exceed the review threshold for the University category to be considered for the submission award category.  

Consider how your university identified specific student needs related to the cost-of-living crisis and how these students were supported. Underline the process you undertook to determine your objectives, what steps you took to achieve these goals and how students were involved in the process. 

Full terms and conditions can be found here.

Paragraph 7

Our event sponsorship includes being the official sponsor of the "Employability international impact award". This category acknowledges students' long-term employment prospects as a key motivator for pursuing higher education studies and recognises organisations who are going the extra mile to ensure students are supported in reaching their employment goals. The winning organisation will be proactively changing what and how they teach their students or offering new services to ensure students have a genuinely improved chance of finding and securing meaningful employment post-graduation.

With a distinguished judging panel representing wide geographical and professional diversity, The PIEoneer Awards recognise both individuals and organisations who are pushing professional standards, evolving their engagement or redefining the international student experience. 2021 is the fifth year the awards have run. The ceremony will take place on Friday 3 September. There will also be a virtual awards platform, so delegates who can't join the event live on the night can experience networking with delegates, finalists, sponsors and judges.


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To discuss sponsorship opportunities for 2023 during the event and get in front of website users across IDP Connect’s student-facing websites, please contact Kevin McEwan at kevin.mcewan@idp.com. To discuss sponsorship opportunities for 2023 during the event and get in front of website users across IDP Connect’s student-facing websites, please contact Kevin McEwan at kevin.mcewan@idp.com.










Paragraph 3

Highlights Images Below

This year’s theme – visionary and transformative – focuses on the role that innovation plays in transforming the experiences of our students and the communities in which they live, work and study.

Technology and Innovation 6

What gives IDP Live and its fast-tracked recruitment capabilities the edge in the market?

  • Test1

It’s an open world nowadays and a student can go to any country in the world - everything is at their fingertips. The world has evolved with this digital revolution, which as a result, has increased our student intake. This industry revelation has brought challenges, but many opportunities as well. We found that this IDP Live capability by fast-tracking the recruitment process for their counsellors can contribute to this intake solution.

This is fantastic because now we can see our students easily get what they need, and then they can make a fair decision when choosing the right institution.

What synergies do you see between IDP Live’s student-centred approach and Macquarie’s values and key strengths?

Macquarie has recently adopted new policy where we are aligning our strategy to be student-first and are focusing on student-centric services This value aligns with IDP as we both ask the same questions: What is their requirement? What are their needs? What’s best for them? So, with this student-centric approach, Macquarie University really aligns to IDP’s values and mission.

Paragraph 5

New “Emerging Futures” research by IDP Education puts Australia in joint third place with the UK, behind Canada and the USA, while perceptions of quality and value for money also lag behind key competitors.

  • Test

International students are looking beyond “borders reopening” when it comes to choosing their study destination. Canada remains the top destination of choice for one in four students (27 per cent), according to the latest research on student intentions from IDP, world leaders in global education services.

The 'Emerging Futures' research canvassed the views of more than 10,000 students found a complex picture of student intentions, as students prioritise return on investment and quality of education.

Following Canada in top spot was the USA (20 per cent), with the UK and Australia in joint third place (19 per cent). Among Indian students, Australia is in fourth place with only one in 10 (11 per cent) Indian respondents selecting the nation as the first-choice destination. For Chinese students, 21 per cent selected either the UK or USA as their first-choice destination, 18 per cent selected China itself and only 10 per cent selected Australia, marginally ahead of Canada.

As Australia struggles to recover from two years of lockdowns and institutions prepare to welcome international students back for the second semester of the academic year in July, it will be critical to understand what is motivating students and luring them away.

The 'Emerging Futures' study shows that the motivational factors that are driving student choice centre on the perceived quality of education available in the destination and the post-study work opportunities for international students, with 63 per cent and 52 per cent of respondents respectively selecting these factors as the reason they selected a particular country as their first choice.

There is a clear correlation between destination choice and perceptions of the competing destinations. While students perceive Australia to have good post-study work rights, perceptions of Australia’s quality of education lag behind that of the USA, UK and Canada, particularly among Indian and Chinese students.

In better news, perceptions of Australia and the likelihood to select Australia as a first-choice destination are significantly higher among students from Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand.

Unfortunately for Australian institutions, recent policy announcements have not helped to regain lost share. Students who had not selected Australia as their first-choice destination were asked if the December 2021 announcement increasing the length of stay for Master’s graduates from two to three years would convince them to rethink their decision. More than three quarters (78 per cent) of respondents stated that they were not more inclined to consider Australia as their first choice because of the announcement.

Andrew Barkla, Chief Executive of IDP, commented that Australia still had work to do to rebuild its trust and reputation with students after two years of travel disruption.

“No one within the Australian education sector believed that the flow of students into Australia was like a tap that could be turned off without impacting on international student perceptions,” Mr Barkla said.

“Australia’s institutions were fully aware that the policy settings that have been in place for the past two years meant it would be difficult to simply ‘turn the tap back on’. However, even with this knowledge, this latest study makes sobering reading for Australian providers who have been working hard to support students throughout the disruption.

“Students have grown tired of waiting to return. Now Australia must reinforce a collective message around the world that it is open and welcoming students. Australia also needs to demonstrate that there are practical routes to post-graduate employment, and that international students form a valued and vital part of our communities.

“Australia has a unique offering and our institutions have continued to innovate and put students at the centre. By forging ahead with these positives, adopting data-informed strategies and working with trusted partners on the ground, Australian institutions have a real opportunity to turn the tide,” Mr Barkla said.

Media contacts:

Nicole Gauci - Porter Novelli ngauci@porternovelli.com.au +61 427 696 957

Jonah Duffin – IDP Connect jonah.duffin@idp.com +44 7961 576 024

This provides universities with the kind of rich, sophisticated data that can truly inform international recruitment strategy. It really is unique in its ability to provide real-time data to drive, for example, key decisions on volume vs diversity.

Professor Michael Arthur

Professor Michael Arthur

Former Provost and President

University College London

Book your tickets

For more information on this high profile event, and to book your tickets, visit the event website here:




The team at IDP Connect always provide an outstanding level of customer service. They are very quick to respond to requests and proactively monitor the performance of our campaigns, providing advice and suggestions where necessary. They are extremely knowledgeable about the sector and current trends and always generously share their knowledge and expertise. Most importantly, we feel they understand Queen Mary as an institution and as such have our best interests as a client at heart. test

Colin Cheng

Former Head of Student Marketing and Events at Goldsmiths, University of London