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The majority of higher education professionals believe that the changing expectations of Gen Z students will be the biggest disrupter to the industry in the next five years. How can institutions ensure they are meeting these expectations?

Our whitepaper, “Meeting Student Needs at the Top of the Funnel” co-published with Unibuddy, explores this important question.

Using proprietary data and real student insights from IDP and Unibuddy, this whitepaper examines:

  • Preferences and behaviours of Gen Z during the university/college search process

  • Common disconnects between international educators’ efforts and students’ expectations

  • Insights on what type of online experience students actually want from your institution

  • Benefits of peer-to-peer communication

  • How IDP and Unibuddy can support institutions using our new integration

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CP - Image-Emma Sletteland
Emma Sletteland09 November 2022