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The partnershipss

Why did you partner with IDP for OIP (Offer in Principle) and IDP Live? Tell us about your recruitment strategy.

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At UniSA we align ourselves with new products and services that set us apart from other universities in Australia and around the world. We do this through continuous innovation and smarter use of technology.

Partnering with IDP gave us the ability to try something completely different. We now can reach a wider audience and attract a group of students who wouldn’t normally consider Adelaide or UniSA as their destination and institution. We don’t have to wait for them to come to us.


Technology and innovation

What gives IDP Live (OIP) an edge in the market?

In the past, we would go to students and tell them what we thought they needed - and the process could take months - but OIP (Offer in Principle) changes everything.

Now the student tells us what they want, and IDP Live and OIP can find the best course for the student that matches their profile, almost instantly.

This new approach from IDP helps us understand what students are looking for. We can use information about the student - what they are interested in, whether they meet our course requirements and what their goals are to ensure they can meet their education goal with UniSA.

OIP allows us to track leads from the point of enquiry all the way to their enrolment. This means we can start to customise campaigns and approaches in different markets to make sure we are attracting the right students at the right time.

What synergies do you see between IDP Live’s student-centred approach and UniSA’s values?

We are both focused on providing students with the opportunity to achieve their study and career goals by helping them select the right courses for them. Now we can do that more effectively.

IDP continues to innovate through leading tech, and human connections. How does that align with innovation at UniSA?

IDP is always reinventing itself and looking for new opportunities to improve its students and clients’ experiences. This aligns with UniSA’s mission, especially in UniSA International. We’re always looking at ways we can improve student experiences through a culture of innovation and preferencing data-driven personalisation to reinvent what and how we offer our education services.

Your advice for institutions considering coming on board?

You’ve got to put the right team behind it and be committed to learning and developing the right processes for your institution. However, the hard work is worth the reward.


• Rishen Shekhar (RS), Deputy Director: International Business Development, UniSA International, University of South Australia

• Aleicia Shekhar (AS), Deputy Director: International Systems and Operations UniSA International

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Guest author 08 November 2021